Florist Choice Bouquet


It’s an absolute privilege and joy as a florist to be given free rein to create in line with the seasons. I introduced our Florist Choice Bouquet in response to the many conversations I’ve had with customers over the years who say ‘anything you create will be lovely’ or ‘whatever you think, I’ll leave it up to you’. It’s always lovely to hear these sentiments which come as a result of the reputation that we’ve built over the last 14 years, and which we never take for granted.

More blooms for your buck!

Our Florist Choice Bouquet gives us greater flexibility to design something both exclusive and exquisite, in a considered style that makes sense for the occasion. There’s also a price point that comes into play. With these bouquets, we always take advantage of readily available seasonal flowers. Very often this means that you, the customer, will get more ‘blooms for your buck’ to hack a well known phrase! The combined effect of Covid and Brexit has meant that some stems have increased in price by a whopping 52%. Seasonal flowers mean that we can capitalise on the abundance of a particular bloom, allowing us more scope with which to create a unique design just for you.

What’s included in June?

This month we have seen the return of one of our faves – gorgeous peonies! – which we try to include in our Florist Choice Bouquets where possible. We’ve also got antirrhinums, lisianthus, delphiniums mixed with soft and whimsy thlaspi bell as a lovely filler. It’s a heavenly fusion of spring and summer together. (I love this time of year so much that we decided to get married in early June to make the most of the abundance of blooms!).

I’m absolutely thrilled with the two Florist Choice Bouquets that I ordered from Nic, and I’m glad to say so were the people they were for. I called from abroad and Nic sorted everything out for me over the phone, and was absolutely lovely. At a time like this when our loved ones are out of reach it’s even more important to keep in touch and being able to treat them was lovely. Really can’t praise the Floral Boutique enough. Anna

You can call and order our Florist Choice Bouquet over the phone on 01983 811 291, or place your order online here. As always, thanks for your support!
